Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Eat before - after exercise

How Eat Before - after exercise
Food and drinks also contributed tay exercise is going smoothly. Then this before and after exercise should eat what. There are good tips Leave for women who love to exercise especially .

Before exercise

Food - it should be easy to digest foods such as fruits, apples, toasted bread, wheat crackers or fruit juice in moderation should be the body to get energy from carbohydrates, 200-300 g at the time. 3-4 hours before exercise

Water - one hour before exercise should drink at least 2 glasses , but should not exceed 6 glasses because of the stomach, we have the ability to absorb up to six glasses of water for 1 hour.

After exercise

Food - Exercise makes glycogen accumulation in the liver and muscles are used to . And the need to build a new replacement. So about 30 minutes after exercise, the body should be at least 50 grams of carbs and 15-20 grams of protein in order to make cumulative glycol Jane faster and better muscle repair after exercise , so the food should be a type. low-fat chocolate milk is easily digested , such as wheat bread, 1 cup orange juice, juices , etc..

Drinking Water - Do not drink in large quantities until the problem colic. Should not exceed half a glass of water and sip just thirsty. And not to dehydration consecutive time only.

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